Annual General Meeting

    The 2nd Annual and a Special General Meeting of Salus Mutual Insurance Company will be held at the head office of Salus Mutual Insurance Company, 29584 Pioneer Line, Dutton, Ontario on March 20, 2025, at 10:00 a.m.

    To participate in the meeting, you must pre-register before 5:00 p.m. on March 6, 2025. Please register by sending an e-mail to, or by calling Salus Mutual at 1-800-265- 7635.

    The Annual General Meeting will be for the purposes of:

    1. Approving the Minutes of the Annual and Special General Meeting of Salus Mutual Insurance Company held March 18, 2024. 

    2. Receiving the Annual Report for the year ending December 31, 2024.

    3. To consider and if thought fit, to adopt, with such amendments as may be made at the Meeting, amendments to the Company's By-law # 1 - 2023 passed by the Board of Directors on January 28, 2025. A summary of the substantive amendments follows. A complete text of the By-law # 1 - 2023 showing the amendments is available for review by all members at the following Salus Mutual branch offices: Aylmer, Blenheim, Dutton, Ridgetown, Rodney, during regular business hours, or will be provided upon request.

    4. Electing three (3) Directors for a three (3) year term.

      Directors whose terms will expire are Janet Nauta, Ken Scott, and Remi Van De Slyke, all of whom are eligible to be re-elected in accordance with the company By-laws.

      The Nomination Committee has recommended, and the Board has approved in accordance with the nomination procedures in By-law No. 1 Janet Nauta, Ken Scott, and Remi Van De Slyke for election to the Board.

    5. Appointing auditors for the year and authorizing the Directors to set their remuneration.

    Policyholders may obtain a copy of the Company's Annual Statement after February 25, 2025 by:

    • Attending at any of the following branch offices of the Company during normal business hours: Aylmer, Blenheim, Dutton, Ridgetown or Rodney
    • Contacting the head office of the Company at 1-800-265-7635 no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the Annual Meeting and requesting a copy be mailed to them
    • Viewing a copy on the Salus Mutual website,

    Summary of Amendments to By-law # 1

    (The numeric references herein correspond with the section numbers of By-law # 1 - 2023)

    23 The number of directors may be changed but in no event can there be less than 6 or more than 12, and is being reduced to 11. 

    35 Directors meetings may be held entirely electronically or a combination of in person and electronically.

    42 Section deleted - as appointment of additional officers covered in section 41.

    - Section numbers of By-law renumbered as needed.

    - Minor grammatical errors corrected.

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